The Quiet Reader is an international literary magazine, born in a town called Solitaire, in the state of Quarantine in the country of 2020.
Here is the line-up of our second edition, with stories written by Robert Bagnall, Mark Braidwood, James Edward O’Brien, Jack Coey, Mitchell Davidson, Valerie Hunter, Brian Miller, Lena Ng, Tanner Lee, Vaughan Stanger and PGC Young.
The staff readers for this edition were Tim Lundergan, Michele Van Rensburg, Yen Radecki and Aarushi Shetty. Editing powers came from Jim Clarke, Skip Yetter, Gabrielle Yetter and Ramon Stoppelenburg.
In this edition you can read:
- Faivish the Imbecile by Robert Bagnall
- The Hour of Lead by Mark Braidwood
- One-Way Ticket on a Moonbound Train by James Edward O’Brien
- The Fly Under by Jack Coey
- The Other Side of Somewhere by Mitchell Davidson
- Putting Down Roots by Valerie Hunter
- Yule Log (Live!), Christmas 1983 by Bryan Miller
- The Ocean Deep by Lena Ng
- Mormontown by Tanner Lee
- The Book of Love by Vaughan Stanger
- Straight Face by PGC Young